Appointment of BoD chairman, managers and members of committees

Published: 4/17/2024 6:00:16 PM

IRIS Code: A1133


To: the Bucharest Stock Exchange

      the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority



Pursuant to Law no. 24/2017 on issuers of financial instruments and market operations and to the Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority Regulation no. 5/2018 on issuers and operations with securities, as subsequently amended and supplemented and the provisions of Article 99 of the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code, Title II, Issuers and Financial Instruments.

Date of report


Name of the Company

Safetech Innovations S.A.

Registered Office

12-14 Frunzei Street, District 2, Bucharest


+40 754 908 742


Registration nr. with Trade Registry


Fiscal Code


Subscribed and paid share capital

13,300,000 lei

Total number of shares




Market where securities are traded

Bucharest Stock Exchange, Main Segment, Standard Category

Important events to be reported: Appointment of BoD chairman, managers and members of committees

The management of Safetech Innovations S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company”) informs the market that following the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, which took place on 17.04.2024, during which the new structure of the Board of Directors of the Company (“BoD”) was approved, the BoD convened in a meeting and decided upon the appointment of the BoD chairman, General Manager and members of committees of the Company.

The decision of the BoD is attached to this Current Report.






Strada Frunzei nr. 12-14, etajele 1 si 2, sector 2, Bucuresti, Romania

J40/3550/2011, CUI 28239696

Capital social subscris si integral varsat

13.300.000 RON



12-14 Frunzei Street, District 2, Bucharest

J40/3550/2011, Identification Code 28239696

Subscribed and paid-up share capital

RON 13,300,000


Hotararea Consiliului de Administratie



nr. 19 / 17.04.2024

Decision of the Board of Directors



no. 19 / 17.04.2024

Consiliului de Administratie al Societatii („Consiliul de Administratie”), in prezenta tuturor membrilor sai, respectiv domnii: Victor Gansac, Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, si Mircea Varga,

The Board of Directors of the Company ("Board of Directors"), in the presence of all its members, Victor Gansac, Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, and Mircea Varga,

in conformitate cu prevederile Legii Societatilor nr. 31/1990, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare („Legea Societatilor”) si ale actului constitutiv al Societatii („Actul Constitutiv”), cu renuntarea in unanimitate de catre membrii Consiliului de Administratie la formalitatile de convocare prevazute in cadrul acestuia,

in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law no. 31/1990, republished, with subsequent amendments and additions ("Companies Law") and of the Company's articles of incorporation ("Articles of Incorporation"), with the unanimous waiver by the members of the Board of Directors of the convening formalities provided therein,



(I)                  In data de 17.04.2024, Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor Societatii a aprobat numirea domnilor Victor Gansac, Alexandru - Florin Mihailciuc, si Mircea Varga in calitate de membri ai Consiliului de Administratie al Societatii,

(I)               On 17.04.2024, the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders approved the appointment of Mr. Victor Gansac, Alexandru - Florin Mihailciuc, and Mircea Varga as members of the Company's Board of Directors

(II)                Prevederile Actului Constitutiv al Societatii referitoare la administrarea Societatii, precum si posibilitatea delegarii atributiilor de conducere executiva ale Societatii catre un Director General, precum si posibilitatea numirii unor comitete ale Consiliului de Administratie,

(II)            The provisions of the Company's Articles of Incorporation regarding the Company's administration, as well as the possibility of delegating the Company's executive management duties to a General Manager and the possibility of appointing committees of the Board of Directors,

(III)             Prevederile art. 1401 din Legea 31/1990, respectiv ale art. 16.8 teza I din Actul Constitutiv al Societatii referitoare la numirea Presedintelui Consiliului de Administratie, conform carora:

„16.8. Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie este ales de Consiliul de Administratie, dintre membrii sai, prin vot secret.

(III)          The provisions of Art. 1401 of Companies Law 31/1990, respectively of art. 16.8, first sentence, of the Company's Articles of Incorporation regarding the appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, according to which:

16.8. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is elected by the Board of Directors, from among its members, by secret ballot.

(IV)              Prevederile art. 143 din Legea 31/1990, respectiv ale art. 16.8 teza II din Actul Constitutiv al Societatii  referitoare la numirea Directorului General, conform carora:


16.8 […]. Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie poate fi numit si Director General al Societatii.

(IV)          The provisions of Art. 143 of Companies Law 31/1990, respectively of art. 16.8, second sentence of the Company's Articles of Incorporation regarding the appointment of the General Manager, according to which:

16.8 […]. The Chairman of the Board of Directors can also be appointed General Manager of the Company.

(V)                Prevederile art. 1402 din Legea 31/1990, respectiv ale art. 16.3 teza II din Actul Constitutiv al Societatii referitoare la numirea comitetelor consultative, conform carora:

16.3. Consiliul de Administratie poate crea comitete consultative formate din cel putin 2 membri ai consiliului si insarcinate cu desfasurarea de investigatii si cu elaborarea de recomandari pentru consiliu, in domenii precum auditul, remunerarea Administratorilor, directorilor si personalului sau nominalizarea de candidati pentru diferitele posturi de conducere.

(V)             The provisions of art. 1402 of Law 31/1990, respectively of art. 16.3, second sentence of the Company's Articles of Incorporation regarding the appointment of advisory committees, according to which:

"16.3. The Board of Directors may create advisory committees consisting of at least 2 members of the board and charged with carrying out investigations and making recommendations for the board, in areas such as auditing, remuneration of Directors, managers and staff or nomination of candidates for the various leadership positions."

Constatand indeplinirea tuturor conditiilor prevazute de legislatia din Romania si de Actul Constitutiv al Societatii pentru validitatea acestei sedinte a Consiliului de Administratie si pentru luarea de hotarari

Ascertaining the fulfillment of all requirements under the Romanian legislation and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation for the validity of this meeting of the Board of Directors and for passing resolutions



Art.1.         Numirea in calitate de Presedinte al Consiliului de Administratie a domnului Victor Gansac, pentru un mandat valabil pana la expirarea mandatului de membru al Consiliului de Administratie, respectiv pana la data de 30.04.2026. Se ia la cunostinta prin prezenta ca mandatul acordat anterior, de Presedinte al Consiliului de Administratie inceteaza la data prezentei.

Art.1.         Appointing Mr. Victor Gansac, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, for a mandate valid until the expiration of the mandate as a member of the Board of Directors, respectively until 30.04.2026. It is hereby acknowledged that the previously granted mandate of Chairman of the Board of Directors ceases on the date of this decision.

Domnul Victor Gansac, s-a abtinut de la vot cu privire la acest punct, in vederea respectarii prevederilor legale aplicabile.

Mr. Victor Gansac, abstained from voting on this point, in order to comply with the applicable legal provisions.

Art.2.         Numirea in calitate de Director General al Societati a domnului Victor Gansac, pentru un mandat valabil pana la expirarea mandatului de membru al Consiliului de Administratie, respectiv pana la data de 30.04.2026. Se ia la cunostinta prin prezenta ca mandatul acordat anterior, de Director General al Societatii inceteaza la data prezentei.

Art.2.         Appointing Mr. Victor Gansac, as General Manager of the Company, for a mandate valid until the expiration of the mandate as a member of the Board of Directors, respectively until 30.04.2026. It is hereby acknowledged that the previously granted mandate of General Manager ceases on the date of this decision.

Domnul Victor Gansac, s-a abtinut de la vot cu privire la acest punct, in vederea respectarii prevederilor legale aplicabile.

Mr. Victor Gansac, abstained from voting on this point, in order to comply with the provisions of the applicable law.

Pentru inlaturarea oricarui dubiu, ceilalti membri ai Consiliului de Administratie sunt membri neexecutivi.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the other members of the Board of Directors are non-executive members.

Art.3.         Numirea membrilor Comitetului de Risc si Audit, pentru un mandat valabil pana la expirarea mandatului de membri ai Consiliului de Administratie, respectiv pana la data de 30.04.2026, dupa cum urmeaza:

Art.3.         Appointment of the members of the Risk and Audit Committee, for a mandate valid until the expiry of the mandate of the members of the Board of Directors, respectively until 30.04.2026, as follows:

(i)              Mircea Varga, in calitate de Presedinte al Comitetului de Risc si Audit;

(ii)            Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, in calitate de Membru al Comitetului de Risc si Audit.

(i)         Mircea Varga, as Chairman of the Risk and Audit Committee;

(ii)       Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, as Member of the Risk and Audit Committee.

Se ia la cunostinta prin prezenta ca mandatele acordate anterior inceteaza la data prezentei.

It is hereby acknowledged that the previously granted mandates cease on the date of this decision.

In fiecare caz, s-a abtinut de la vot membrul Consiliului de Administratie in cauza.

In each case, the member of the Board of Directors in question abstained from voting.

Art.4.         Numirea membrilor Comitetului de Nominalizare si Remunerare, pentru un mandat valabil pana la expirarea mandatului de membri ai Consiliului de Administratie, respectiv pana la data de 30.04.2026, dupa cum urmeaza:

Art.4.         Appointment of the members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, for a mandate valid until the expiration of the mandate of the members of the Board of Directors, respectively until 30.04.2026, as follows:

(i)                   Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, in calitate de Presedinte al Comitetului de Nominalizare si Remunerare;

(ii)                 Mircea Varga, in calitate de Membru al Comitetului de Nominalizare si Remunerare.

(i)         Alexandru-Florin Mihailciuc, as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee;

(ii)       Mircea Varga, as Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Se ia la cunostinta prin prezenta ca mandatele acordate anterior inceteaza la data prezentei.

It is hereby acknowledged that the previously granted mandates cease on the date of this decision.

In fiecare caz, s-a abtinut de la vot membrul Consiliului de Administratie in cauza.

In each case, the member of the Board of Directors in question abstained from voting.

Art.5.         Actualizarea datelor de identificare prevazute in Actul Constitutiv, ale membrilor Consiliului de Administratie, in conformitate cu copiile cartilor de identitate ce vor fi transmise Registrului Comertului, impreuna cu prezenta Hotararea a Consiliului de Administratie.

Art.5.         Updating the identification data provided in the Articles of the Board of Directors Members, in accordance with the copies of the identity cards that will be sent to the Trade Register, together with this Decision of the Board of Directors.

Art.6.         Conform punctului 1 din Hotararea Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor Societatii, nr. 6 / 17.04.2024, actualizarea Actului Constitutiv al Societatii conform punctelor 1-5 de mai sus si imputernicirea Directorului General, domnul Victor Gansac sa semneze Actul Constitutiv actualizat.

Art.6.         According to point 1 of the Decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's Shareholders, no. 6 / 17.04.2024, updating the Articles of Incorporation of the Company according to points 1-5 above and authorizing the General Manager, Mr. Victor Gansac, to sign the updated Articles of Incorporation

Art.7.         Aproba desemnarea si imputernicirea domnului Victor Gansac, in calitate de Director General al Societatii („Reprezentantul”) pentru a indeplini urmatoarele acte si fapte in numele si pe seama Societatii („Imputernicirea”):

Art.7.         Approves the empowerment and appointment of Mr. Victor Gansac, as General Manager of the Company (the “Representative”) to carry out following acts and operations in the name of and on behalf of the Company (the “Power of Attorney”):

(i)                   cu putere si autoritate depline, sa semneze orice document, inclusiv prezenta hotarare a Consiliului de Administratie, si sa realizeze orice alta formalitate necesara, utila sau oportuna pentru inregistrarea si opozabilitatea hotararilor adoptate, inclusiv a Actului Constitutiv actualizat, dupa cum va fi cazul, precum si sa semneze, sa stampileze si sa transmita orice alte documente care sunt necesare, adecvate, dezirabile, cerute, utile sau recomandabile in legatura cu exercitarea de catre Societate a tuturor drepturilor si indeplinirea tuturor obligatiilor sale rezultand din sau in legatura cu hotararile aprobate prin prezenta; si

(i)                   with full power and authority, to execute any document, including the resolution of the Board of Directors adopted hereby, as well as to perform any other formality necessary, useful or desirable in connection with the registration and the effect towards third parties of the resolutions approved herein, as well as the updated Articles of Incorporation, as the case may be, as well as to sign, seal, execute and deliver any other documents, necessary, appropriate, desirable, required, useful or advisable in relation to the performance by the Company of all its rights and obligations under or in connection with the decisions adopted herein; and

(ii)                 sa reprezinte Societatea, personal sau prin reprezentanti, cu puteri si autoritate deplina in fata Registrului Comertului, notarilor publici si a oricarei alte autoritati sau terti relevanti si sa indeplineasca toate formalitatile necesare cu privire la inregistrarea sau implementarea hotararilor luate prin prezenta la orice registru sau autoritate si sa indeplineasca orice alta actiune, sa semneze si sa modifice orice document si sa indeplineasca orice formalitate necesara pentru ca aspectele decise prin prezenta sa produca efecte depline.

(ii)                 to represent the Company, in person or through proxies, with full powers and authority in front of the Trade Registry Office, notary public, and of any other authorities or relevant third parties and to carry out all the required formalities regarding the registration and implementation of the resolutions passed hereunder with any registrars or authorities and to take any other action, execute and amend any document and to perform any formalities necessary in order to give full effect to the matters decided herein.

Reprezentantul poate sa subdelege oricare si toate puterile acordate acestuia prin prezenta, dupa cum considera de cuviinta si cu respectarea oricaror limite impuse Reprezentantului.

The Representative is entitled to sub-delegate any and all of their powers granted hereunder, as they may seem fit and with the observance of any limits imposed on the Representative.

Prezenta Hotarare a fost semnata astazi, la data mentionata mai sus, in 3 (trei) exemplare originale, in limbile romana si engleza. In caz de discrepanta intre cele doua versiuni, versiunea in limba romana va prevala.

This Resolution has been signed today, the date mentioned above in 3 (three) original counterparts, in Romanian and English languages. In case of discrepancies between the two versions, the Romanian language version shall prevail.